About Us
Stalon and Teresa own and operate RD Ranch Versatility Horses. They specialize in creating willingly guided, all around horses that excel in and out of the show pen with an uncompromising focus on the horse’s physical and mental health. RD Ranch Versatility currently operates in north Spokane offering training, lessons, clinics, and Equi-First Aid certification classes.

Stalon and Teresa travel all over the United States offering clinics and lessons. They teach ranch roping, horsemanship, and ranch versatility. Along with clinics and lessons, Teresa is an Equi-First aid instructor and offers a variety of classes and certifications. She also is certified in Equine Nutrition and provides consultations over the phone or on site. A Minerals and Metals Mane Test can also be ordered through her services to get a comprehensive look into your horses mineral and metal levels. Check out their calendar for availability or reach out through the contact page.
Contact Us
Shoot us a message to book clinics, lessons, or classes!
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